June 16, 2017
Hill Running

Hill Running …. What are the benefits?

This months Running with Han, Han talks about the benefits of hill running….. Some runners don’t like hill running because it’s, well, hard. But running hills […]
June 15, 2017
June Summer

Welcome June … summer has begun!

Hello June! It is the beginning of summer and with the sun high in the sky it’s time to protect our skin with sunscreen and insect repellent… Sun […]
May 31, 2017
Lone Traveler Contest

Lone Traveler Contest – Week 8 Winners Are…..

Lone Traveler Week 8 Winners Are….. Walk in the Park: Cherie with 68,668 steps Hit Your Stride: Joe with 86,934 steps Movers and Shakers: Lance with 141,892 steps – and […]
May 31, 2017
How far did we walk?

Spring into Action Fitbit Challenge …. How far did we walk in Week 8?

End of Week 8 of the Spring into Action Fitbit Challenge and the results are in! Together we walked a total of 1,064 miles! We started […]