February 2, 2017

February 2017 Live Well, Work Well

Happy February! Monthly Newsletter – Live Well, Work Well – February 2017 Its American Heart Month! We gathered some fabulous articles about your Heart Health Cholesterol […]
January 12, 2017

January 2017 Live Well, Work Well Newsletter

Health and wellness tips for your work and life presented by National Insurance Services Live Well, Work Well January 2017 Topics that may interest you….  Prevention […]
November 30, 2016

Walking the World Challenge – Week 6 – How is your team doing?

Walking the World Challenge – Week 6 Click on image to enlarge   Fitbit Challenge – Groups and Teams .
November 30, 2016

Walking the World Challenge – Week 5 – How far did we walk?

Together NIS groups walked 857 miles in Week 5 NIS Total – 5,070 total miles – Keep it up! . .