November 22, 2016

Walking the World Challenge – Week 4 – How far did we walk?

Together NIS groups walked over 1,100 miles in Week 4 NIS Total – 4,213 total miles – Keep it up! . .
November 17, 2016

Walking the World Challenge ….Week 3 … How far did we walk?

The total NIS group made it to Disneyworld in Week Three! Superb results! NIS is walking about 1,000 miles a week. Each team is still headed […]
November 9, 2016

Walking the World Challenge – Week 3 – How is your team doing?

Congratulations to our Week 2 Walking the World Challenge Winners – Twisted Blisters! Chris Disher, Crystal Paasch, Karen Volbrecht and Mark Treba They signed the BIG […]
November 7, 2016

Walking the World Challenge ….Week 2 … How far did we walk?

We are in the Groove! Awesome Job on Week Two! A new member joined, some teams/groups were re-aligned, and a new team was added this week. […]