May 2, 2017

The Importance of Keeping Your Beneficiary Information Up-to-Date

Tom was a beloved coach at the local high school and his sudden death was a surprise to all. Everyone’s thoughts turned to his wife of […]
May 3, 2017

Why Dental Insurance is a Critical Component in your Wellness Plan

Robert, a city clerk, had a routine visit to his dentist. During his teeth cleaning, his dentist discovered precancerous white spots on his tongue. A biopsy […]
May 3, 2017

5 Smart Dental Insurance Shopping Tips

In our previous article, we discussed Why Dental Insurance is a Critical Component in your Wellness Plan. Whether you are looking to switch providers or implement a […]
June 12, 2017

3 Tips for Developing Your Open Enrollment Strategy

Due to our changing healthcare climate this year (with ACA and AHCA), this year’s open enrollment strategy needs to be different. Here are three tips for […]